Ascending to the highest version of yourself comes in waves.
The Levels
Introduction to Water Healing:
To immerse is to dip or involve oneself deeply in water. Immerse experiences are intended to introduce you to the workings of water healing.
Deepen your connection with the water:
To submerge is to be under or below the surface of water. Submerge experiences are processes that take through in depth processes within yourself via water healing.
Awaken the highest self:
To emerge is to come into view from being under the water. Emerge experiences are processes that not only take you into the depths of your inner waters but allow you to emerge with a renewed conscious perspective.
Making sense of it all:
Integration is essential to any healing work I do. You can always walk through the doors exploring what needs changing in your life, but if there is no AWARENESS in changing those dynamics in practical ways, the experience becomes something intangible and unintegrated. That’s why having a safe and reflective container is important in helping you make the most of it.
Integration is part of all services offered.
What Are The Levels?
The levels are the layers of self discovery through healing that you will experience in your journey with me and water. If you’re interested in learning more consider booking a guidance call.